How's your relationship with money?

Are you ready to get rid of unconscious money blocks and start fresh on a path of creating freedom, independence, and a healthy relationship with money?

When it comes to money, sooner or later there's a wake-up call that happens for each of us.


Because if money blocks like these have taken control of your life, it’s time to do something about it:

  • Being too busy or out of time to figure out how to take your income to a new level
  • Making “just enough” to get by, no matter how successful your career or your business is going
  • Undercharging in your business but you can’t see how you could charge more
  • Yearning to make more money but afraid it might change who you are
  • Holding back from investing in ways to help your business or career flourish

Did you know that you CAN get rid of unconscious money blocks and press reset on a fresh money story, starting today? Here's how...

Within you is a unique "MONEY CODE" called your Sacred Money Archetypes. Once you discover what YOUR money archetypes are, it will feel as if all the puzzle pieces of your life easily fall into place:

  • You understand what makes you tick when it comes to money (freeing you from negative self–judgment)
  • You discover what your 3 core money strengths are (and how to use them to make more money in your business or career
  • You’re free to make decisions from a place of empowerment, not fear (the freeing quality of relief that you’ll feel will immediately open new opportunities for you)
  • You no longer fall prey to unconscious sabotaging behavior (it’s a blessing to be in control of your life in this way, authentically and easily)
  • You know what to do and what to say when someone you care about is “pushing your money boundaries”
  • You feel confident and ready to make new decisions about your business (or career) that will take your income to a new level
  • Those stressful squabbles with your loved ones about money? Gone, because now you have the understanding and tools to come from your highest, best self

This is why I am offering a FREE Sacred Money Archetypes® assessment so you can discover your unconscious money blocks and create a fresh money story that moves the needle in your business and changes your life forever!

Considering that money is at the heart of every decision you make …

If you could eliminate the conflicting emotions, the arguments with your significant other, the guilt, and any doubts that are holding you back, what would be possible for you in your life, business, or career?

If you could dramatically up-level your sense of your value so that you were playing big in your business and in your life, how much would that make a difference for you?

Knowing that money influences every aspect of your life and business, aren’t you MORE than willing to create a money breakthrough for yourself?

And if not for yourself, then for the ones you love?

Take this simple 7-minute assessment and learn your Sacred Money Archetypes now!

Once you complete the assessment you will receive an email with information related to your #1 archetype.

What You'll Learn

What the essence of your #1 archetype is focused on when you’re moving freely forward and thriving.

Your Sacred Money Contract – the difference you’re meant to make in the world, as seen through the unique perspective of your #1 archetype.

Your Sacred Strengths – the qualities that drive you when you’re at your best.

A challenge that can be present in your life if you’re operating from a place of unconsciousness, or defaulting to old, outdated behaviors that no longer serve you.

Your gifts – shows you how your strengths can show up in your world.

And an opportunity to learn so much about you and your true relationship to money.

Take this opportunity to discover your Sacred Money Archetypes today!

simple and easy.

Take the Assessment Now!

What a Difference It Makes...

Samantha Pointer

FEES FROM $1,500 TO $5,000 – $10,000!

“Before working with Valerie, I had a bad case of no confidence and imposter syndrome. My mindset around money was all jacked up.

After having several sessions with Valerie I was able to go from not believing in my abilities and taking any kind of client just to make ends meet, to working with my ideal clients and charging a premium for my services. My revenue has grown by more than 40% and I now know my worth and I charge for it!”

Discover Your Sacred Money Archetypes Today!
